Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Vaccum of Mind - for Psychologists, healers and doctors


This is the new concept in any method of healing.
Never related to the space of 4 dimension.

Thoughts related to the condition of the patient
where it was stored at the time of existence of the
symptom and then removed due to the healing procedure
may lead to the absence of thought in that area.

in other words, for every symptom, thoughts are attached
to it. when we cure the symptom, whether the thought
attached is also cured is in question.

In the cases if thoughts are also removed lead to the
VOM related to that system.

If any healer wants to cure your subject completely,
VOM has to be studied.

It is not the body or the mind that makes the cure.
for example, in some severe cases the body of the
subject start to reject the medicine.

Similarilty that power which heals both the body
and the mind also has to be studied.

Back to the subject, once VOM is created, the law
of Physic works hear as well. There is an urge to fill
the vacuum. In the language of atmosphere, we call it
the wind.

But in the case of mind there is a special pattern so far
studied and observed; is that the VOM created has the
same urge to follow the law of physic by filling it back
with something.

What is observed is that the thoughts of the subject
attached to the symptom prior to the cure is always ready
to re-occupy the VOM. If this is allowed the subject
will go back to the pre-disorder state of mind,
which will bring back the symptom/disorder/ disease.
(this may be the reason in the cancer patient that
even when they are cured, often got a second attack).

If the thought is not challenged and removed before
the cure, the subject won't believe that he is out of his
sufferings. then it is difficult to the subject.

for a good result on the cure, be ready with a solution
which has to occupy either the VOM or to replace the
thoughts even before the VOM is created.

remember, as per PLACEBO, it is neither the
medicine nor the our knowledge works,
But the mind of the subject determines the
continuance of symptom or the cure.

Trick the mind with a better solution to Occupy VOM
so that even the symptoms are forced to leave the
subject with out leaving any trace of it.

Dedicated to anyone without EGO.
by KK

subliminal message for religious conversion

The world we know now, is in operation with the control from
behind the curtain.

even though the world does not want religion on one hand, the
other side demands for the conversion to one religion.

the tricky part is that the messages long seeded says either to
convert or to be an atheist. what actually is demanded for is to
change a class of people that the supremacy of the world can
be established.

how? previously the slave and the master was the order of the
world. But now the nature of the world has been changed. a new
order of democracy established as the protector of the basic right.
The slavery is transformed into a new form of luxury whereas the
mastership never lost its relevance.

Ironically, TBT exploitation by the North conspired on the
Brettenwood also now is the world order.

North come, explore, exploit and desimate the south. Luxury is the
Bait. Truth was never disclosed. The interest of American
soldiers on the Bagdhad Musium is a good reference.

More we seek for an answer, we are pushed to the trenches of

The modern way of conversion is to establish the roman command
through the hijacked christian faith. The christian does not know  .
that what they are worshiping is what they are told to. But true
teachings was never taught to being a Christian. What is the
motive behind the crime of conversion. Supremacy of What?

Now the mass budget of the vatican with is hidden agent to the
compensate for the erosion of faith in N.American and Europe,
the Russia, China and India are the targeted. Since new gen
China was never proud of their Buddhist tradition and faith and
on the other hand there is no religious concept in Russia to
contradict with, it solely becomes the matter of Hindu survival.

The budget for conversion can be better used for the eradication
of poverty or increasing the living standard of the people.
In spite of that Vatican aims to have its embassy in each and
every streets of India. The veil of minority religion, constitutional
rights of the religion and the exploitation on the basis of christian faith
has serious consequences on Indian cultural heritage, and its
protectors are in scarce. At this point it is interesting to point out
that the ‘communist propaganda of the Jewish was never a threat
to their ideology, but it is a ‘JUDAS’ to Hindu way of life. Marx can
live and die with this religion and rest in peace at billingate.
Hindu socialist are shy of their religion is then a paradox. .

The best example for conversion is the operations of IT wing of ISI.
Many HINDU's in India exposed to the internet have at any point
of time exposed to these messages that within a fraction of second
the till then known GOD with a hindu image comes with a command
either to convert to Islam of change its poster to a black energy.
( the mistake done in the message is their  inability to realise that
the message was wrong in the Islam point of view
and not in Hindu point of view.

The result is that Many literate students are easily vulnerable to this
command and conversion rate among the Hindus and Christians
to Islam is Higher. (reason behind is that the subliminal message
will be accepted only by the subconsious mind of the
literate/educated youth rather than all the classes.

A simple warning. Do not provoke ‘SANATHANA’.
The guardians are watching.
The boundaries of perseverance if dare to be challenged further,
the waves of catastrophe is ready in their Arsenal which
you cannot withstand.

Beware, Your extinction on demand will be delivered
at your doorstep
without any regret.

Spoke person

Thursday, June 28, 2018

World War 3 – the ongoing war affecting in your daily life

Will there be a WW3. How it will be fought. Its impact on our world. Whether the world is anticipating the war? Is the world eagerly waiting or anxious of WW3? Or WW3 is already on and we are already in it?

In an attempt to analysis the approach of ongoing activities ignored by the world. My assumption is that the war is on from the Brettonwood conference. The progress of multilateral treaty based organization bypassing the International Trade Organisation (ITO) under United Nation (UN) hijacked the UN ITO activity itself is the proven disaster or the world propagated by the elite riches who control the world, penetrating the territories of the sovereign states and compelling to surrender to exploit the natural resources.

How it can be advanced to the next stage by violating the privacy of the people and penetrating to the daily life of each individual of this world. Those who protest will be perished without trace. Those who surrender will be slaves in the golden cage. The master brain will filter the slaves and potential cavalry. Whether this elite minority is the determinate superior of the world? Are we aware of this? WW3 is never near; we are already within it but still not aware of it.

If we are aware of it, we can resist and protest or at least fight back. What if we are not aware of it?

For that, we have to understand what is a war and how its nature has been changed. The aim of any war is suppress through inflicting the fear. The motive is to exploitation. In the new transformed form of psychological war, the motive still remains the same. Only suppression has changed from physical to psychological. The process of inflicting the fear cannot be determined because empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol of science fails to provide an outcome on it. The result is that the ongoing war is practically neither traceable, detected nor proven through the established means.

Taking the war to the next stage, the so called civilized states are testing their new weapon in their arsenal. The ‘blue whale’ game is a product test successfully carried out by the mighty Russians. After the ‘world cup’ soccer, there is threat of soccer fans exposed to and bring them back the triggers, which may be psychological disasters.

Am I exaggerating? May be! I may be wrong. But what if I am right?

Just enjoy your life in this GOLDEN CAGE AND BE A LIFE TIME SLAVE

By Kannan Kunnathully

Friday, March 3, 2017

The fundamental question 'where do we come from', unanswered, and cracking the head of physicist fraternity, as mentioned in the forward 'A Brief History of Time', concurrently relevant still adamant to admit the by the great Stephen  himself.

To me, answer lie, not in the repelling and widening gap between physicist and the spirituality, but harmonious effort to answer the ever unanswered.

Let us break the question 'Where do we come from?'

To answer this question , have it already answered What is I/We referring for? 

To more precise, have we primarily answered What is Life?

Contrary to the definition of a biologist or a physicist,  does the mystery of life unfolded.

To me life is more than something which can be quantified or qualified and competent enough to unfold its mystery.

To approach its best is to explain what life is not rather than what it is?

Mere responds to the given circumstances and surroundings is not the criteria explaining life. and it is not the answer what we are looking for. If it is so machines are with life (parallel life) and in its stone age.  Computer and AI are advanced up in order of evolution.

So far I am sticking to the concept of Universal Consciousness (UC) within which the source of life is seeded, and consciousness embedded in the life forms are the fragmented UC. Resulted in the conclusion so far that life is fetched from  and dissolved in UC. 

Harmony of fragmented and the Mass UC is competent enough to provide a foundation to Physicist and Spiritualist both to work with.

Digitise the data is a revolution to this approach, even adamant scientist has to admit as parallel consciousness.  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The greatest mystery ever is the 'MIND'  and
The biggest illusion ever is the 'TIME.

The simplest of all is 'universal consciousness'
The complex one is the concept of 'GOD'.

then the crazy 'art of living and so on'


the existence of life is determined between the 
process of breath. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Who Am I ?

Have you ever asked the question to yourself? If yes what is your conclusion?

Best possible answer may be 'A film by Jackie Chan. But the question is not intended to films.

To find an answer My religious philosophy (Hindu) ask me to make a counter question- am i This? Say no to every thing whatever answer you have come across with for the question. At the end the final answer will be the real answer for Who Am I?

Am I This Body? If yes then what is death. 'death is the time when you leave your physical body?
If you believe that then surely you are not this body but you possess you body.

Are you the mind? Mind have no separate existence if there is no body? So you are not the mind as well.

Then who are you? you are not the physical body, you are not the mind as well. You enter to this world through a womb and leave at the death. So your body is the temporal vehicle for you  and when ever this vehicle is lose its capacity to hold you, you leave this vehicle and we call the process as death.

The question still remain-Who am I?

The best answer I felt good is explanation by Sri Ramana Maharshi. Please follow this link http://www.highermeditation.com/ebooks/who_am_i.pdf

We are not the what we think off with a mind who is always fooling us to be a slave of what we perceive with out senses.

When you search for an answer, we can feel that even the question is wrong. There is no 'I' as such. What the word 'I' represent is the illusion of the mind perceived by the experience in this world with the help of your senses.

I love to believe that I am part of God because Hindu philosophy says 'sarvam kalvitham brahma'-God is omni present. Omni presrent God surely resides in me. That is the simplest explanation.

Friday, May 10, 2013

why hate healing alternative healing methods

I don't find a reason why some people hate alternative healing methods. they may fear that it is a threat to already established trillion dollar allopathy system of treatment.

To me, no one has the right to weigh the merits and demerits of healing systems and treatment systems.

According to Hindu belief, every thing is Para Brahma. By believing that, a patient taking a medicine shall treat that medicine believing that it is Para Brahma. This is the broadness of the mind which will ease the tension of the orthodox thinking and help to cure the disease easily (the very principle of placebo effect).

Similarly, alternative medicines and treatment system are there from the Universal Consciousness (Para Brahma). If you deny the fact then you have to deny every thing.

When you go to a doctor, you have a genuine belief that he will diagnosis properly and will suggest the best available medicine to cure the disease. This is a belief you made in your mind, by the suggestion from previous patients (may be friends and family) or you may see regular crowd at his practice and thought that he is a good doctor or by your previous experience. These all things are just belief and you are going to a doctor just like a white rat in the lab.

Alternative healing system also is the best but often receive the patients at the final stage of the medical condition. This is a difficult situation for a healer because the patient has mentally surrendered at least 75% of his mind to his medical condition. Healer usually receive the patient when his moral is so down.