Monday, December 9, 2013

Who Am I ?

Have you ever asked the question to yourself? If yes what is your conclusion?

Best possible answer may be 'A film by Jackie Chan. But the question is not intended to films.

To find an answer My religious philosophy (Hindu) ask me to make a counter question- am i This? Say no to every thing whatever answer you have come across with for the question. At the end the final answer will be the real answer for Who Am I?

Am I This Body? If yes then what is death. 'death is the time when you leave your physical body?
If you believe that then surely you are not this body but you possess you body.

Are you the mind? Mind have no separate existence if there is no body? So you are not the mind as well.

Then who are you? you are not the physical body, you are not the mind as well. You enter to this world through a womb and leave at the death. So your body is the temporal vehicle for you  and when ever this vehicle is lose its capacity to hold you, you leave this vehicle and we call the process as death.

The question still remain-Who am I?

The best answer I felt good is explanation by Sri Ramana Maharshi. Please follow this link

We are not the what we think off with a mind who is always fooling us to be a slave of what we perceive with out senses.

When you search for an answer, we can feel that even the question is wrong. There is no 'I' as such. What the word 'I' represent is the illusion of the mind perceived by the experience in this world with the help of your senses.

I love to believe that I am part of God because Hindu philosophy says 'sarvam kalvitham brahma'-God is omni present. Omni presrent God surely resides in me. That is the simplest explanation.